Friday, January 31, 2020

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Essay Example for Free

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Essay This fiction book takes you on the adventures of the twelve year old Percy Jackson as he discovers who he really is. Being a demigod, a child of a Greek god and a mortal woman, Percy is in for the ride of his life. Percy Jackson is not what you would consider to be normal; aside from having ADHD and dyslexia strange things just seem to happen to him and no one seems to understand. His last epidemic was while on a field trip to a local art museum in New York his pre-algebra teacher, Mrs. Dodd, attacked him revealing that she was one of three Furies; he ended up getting expelled making this the sixth boarding school to kick him out. Now up until recently he believed the legends he heard in his Latin class about the Greek gods were just stories but lately he has started to reconsider. Scared and confused he is sent back to his mom, Sally Jackson, and his step-father, Gabe. Gabe has always hated Percy and to be completely honest Percy looks at him as a lazy, drunk, gabling mess that has no respect for anyone but himself, but Percy’s mom lets Gabe mistreat her saying, â€Å"he provides for the family Percy its fine. Sensing the confusion and even anger in Percy’s countenance Sally decides to take him to Long- Island for a three day vacation. The cabin they stay in holds so many memories about Percy’s father that he asks questions about him even though he already knows the answer. Sally answers†¦.. Cautiously because if Percy found out his father was a Greek god he would become a very big target and for Percy’s safety she keeps her answers vague. Sally can sense Percy isn’t telling her what really happened at school but she doesn’t pry she just keeps saying if you want to talk I’m here. After a long day Sally and Percy find their way to bed. Percy, just lying there unable to sleep, starts to wonder what his dad was like, what his best friend Grover is doing, and if he didn’t have such a terrible step-dad his life would be so much easier. And just when he started to slip off into unconsciousness he heard a very loud banging at the door. Both Sally and Percy awoke with a start; who could be at the door in the dead of night? Sally ran to the door to find Grover Underwood, Percy’s best friend from Yancy Academy, standing in the rain with a look of fear in his face. At first Percy is ecstatic to see him but soon he realizes that something is very wrong. Grover is a satyr and is very in tune with the Greek god world unlike Percy and was sent to protect Percy. Grover came to warn Sally that the Furies were after Percy and that they had to get Percy to Camp Half-Blood as soon as possible. Sally pushes the boys to the car and drives as fast as she can. Percy having no idea what is going on and so Grover explains where they are going. He says Camp Half- Blood is a camp for kids that are demigods so they can train and be protected from the monsters of the underworld. Then as they approach the camp something smashes their car sending them flying through the air the boys and Sally start running for the trees, where just beyond the tree line lays the camp. As the start up the hill a minotaur grabs Sally and squeezes her into a fine gold powder. Distraught Percy charges the minotaur and heads up breaking one of the horns off and the minotaur runs off into the woods; while the boys narrowly escape to the camp. With Percy knowing so little about his dad he does not know who his father is and stays in the Hermes Cabin, under Luke Castellan. The kids seem nice but Percy really doesn’t understand what he is in for. One night they are playing a game of capture the flag when Percy gets wounded. As he is stumbling around he steps in the stream and is instantly healed and green tridents appear above his head, revealing he is the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. This would be a bad thing if the gods hadn’t made an oath to stop having children; but the camp cheered and congratulated Percy on this discovery. Now that the camp knew who Percy’s father was they could better explain who he was and what he was capable of doing. After training for the entire summer Chiron, Percy’s mentor suggested that Percy should be granted a quest. Percy accepted and chose Grover and Annabeth, a friend he made at camp, to take the journey with him. The quest required the kids to find the entrance to the Underworld, find Zeus’s master bolt and return it before the summer Solstice. The kids encountered monsters, other gods, and the Furies all which seemed to be no challenge for this group of kids which became the best of friends. Now I’m not going to tell you the ending of this book because you can read it for yourself but it’s amazing how three unlikely eople can come together to achieve great things. This book was very exciting once I started reading it, I could not put it down. This book obviously is fiction and is kind of contradictory to Christian beliefs as in more than one God so I wouldn’t recommend the book because of that; but if you can keep in mind that it is just a story it is a extremely exciting book .

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Analysis of an American Trial: The Salem Witch Trials :: American America History

Analysis of an American Trial: The Salem Witch Trials The Salem Witch Trials all began on January 20, 1692, with nine-year-old Elizabeth "Betty" Parris and eleven-year-old Abigail Williams, daughter and niece of the village reverend Samuel Parris, beginning to exhibit strange behavior, such as blasphemous screaming, convulsive seizures, trance-like states and mysterious spells. Within a short period of time, several other Salem girls began to illustrate similar behavior; physicians resolved that the girls were under the control of Satan. Reverend Parris conducted prayer services and public fasting in hopes of relieving the evil forces that tormented them. In an effort to expose the "enchantress", one man baked a "witch cake" made with rye bran and the urine of the ill girls. This counter-magic was meant to reveal the identities of the "witched" to the ailing girls. Pressured to identify the cause of their misfortune, the girls named three women, including Tituba, Samuel Parris' slave, as witches. On February 29, warrants were dispatched for the arrests of Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne. Although Osborne and Good sustained guiltlessness, Tituba confessed to seeing Lucifer, who appeared to her "sometimes like a hog and sometimes like a great dog." What's more, Tituba certified that there was a collaboration of witches at work in Salem. On March 1, Magistrates John Hathorne and Jonathon Corwin investigated the three women in the courthouse in Salem Village. Tituba confessed to pursuing black magic. Over the next few weeks, other villagers came forward and testified that they too had been traumatized by or had seen strange phantoms of some of the village members. As the witch-hunting prolonged, charges were made toward many different people. Frequently unmasked were women whose behavior was somehow disturbing to the social order and formalities of the time. Some of the accused had records of unlawful pastimes, including witchery, but others were faithful churchgoers and people of high status in the society. From Mid-March to early April, Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse, Elizabeth Proctor, and Sarah Cloyce were accused of witchcraft. Soon after Corey, Nurse, and Proctor were examined before Magistrates Hathorne, Corwin, Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth, and Captain Samuel Sewall. During this analysis, John Proctor was also jailed. Then Abigail Hobbs, Bridget Bishop, Giles Corey and Mary Warren were taken into account. The only one to confess was Hobbs. On April 22, Nehemiah Abbot, William and Deliverance Hobbs, Edward and Sara Bishop, Mary Easty, Mary Black, Sarah Wildes, and Mary English were examined before Hathorne and Corwin.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Promoting Healthy Habits Essay

During the last decades, the increase of obesity and eating disorders has tripled among young children. Therefore the topic of our assignment is how to promote healthy eating in children and centres. During our work term internship we noticed that the meals offered were not healthy food. The issue regarding healthy and nutrition in child care centres is important because it is very concerning that in a decade children have become very unhealthy. They prefer to eat meals that are not nutritious. As stated above in our work term we notice the food that was often given was oily and fried. As leaders in the field we have to make ECE’s and other adults more aware of how important it is for children to remain health. It is important for educators in centers to promote healthy habits in younger children because child obesity has increased by 10 percent in children ages from 2-5 and 15 percent in children ages 6-19. (Haschke, B. 2003) . Also the impact this will have if resolved is that children will be that having good nutrition will have a positive impact on the wellbeing, growth and development of children. Methodology There were two methods used to collect information for this project. The first method was to retrieve the centre’s menu to examine. We were able to obtain one menu that was used for that week. This menu included both the lunches and snacks served for that one week. After we had gotten access to a menu from the centre we used it to compare with the recommended number of food guide servings per day. The other method we used was going into the centre and conducting an observation. The purpose of the observation was to see if the centre did follow the menu and how they were promoting healthy and nutrition. On Friday October 19, 2012 we as a group both Faizah and Khoulah went to X child care center to observe what food the center serves and prepares for the children. We had arrived at the center early in the morning at 8am and left at 2:30pm. We had observed the cooking staff to see how they prepare and cook the food for the children and also to see if they were following their menu plan. Findings Analysis While analyzing the information gathered three merging themes were noticed, they were inconsistent with planned meals, the amount of unhealthy food rovided and food portions. The first thing we did was obtain the centre’s menus. When we received the menu it only displayed meal planning for that week. So to see how the centre was promoting healthy eating we got their menu to compare with Canada’s food guide. When comparing we came across that on average per week children are only given meats and alternatives 0. 4 time a day meaning it is only served twice a week (Appendix A, graph 1). While Canada’s food guide recommend meats and alternatives be recommended once a day (Appendix A). When analyzing the two together we learned the centre was providing fruits and vegetables accordance to Canada’s food guide. The centre served fruits and vegetables on average four times a day; this is also the recommended number of servings in Canada’s Food Guide. While Grain products were being served twice a day on average, when Canada’s food guide recommends 3 servings a day. During our observation of X child care we had gathered information from the center that we didn’t know. We had learned that the center wasn’t following their menu plan for that day. According to the menu during lunch time the meal provided was supposed to be fish sticks and sweet potatoes with carrots, grapes and bread butter on the side with milk. However on Friday when we went to observe children were given French fries, chicken nuggets, apples and fruit juice. The same had happened throughout the whole day. When we talked to the Chef she said they had gone over their budget and this was all that was available. This allowed us to see how inconsistent they were when implementing the meals for that day. They provide one meal while having written on the menu another. Another observation we came across was the center was deep frying the food for the children rather than using a healthier alternative for that day. For example instead of frying the chicken nuggets and French fries, the chef could have baked them. They had also not provided any vegetables or milk throughout the day with any of the meals that was given to the children. The centre’s staffs were also giving 100% juice to the children without adding water to it to lessen the amount of sugar. While exploring the centre we noticed that they did not have any posters or brochures on health and nutrition on the wall. Having this information could be beneficial for not only the centre staff but, for parents as well. In X child care we observed there being no portion control. The educators were over feeding children by giving them more food than needed. Also if a child wasn’t hungry after eating and had food left over, educators would force the child to eat all of the food so it wouldn’t go to waste. These are the information we gathered while collecting data through the observation and analyzing the menu. Limitations We only came across one big limitation when it came to our findings. The limitation is in regards to us being only able to observe for one day. Our method at first was to collect the centres menu and go in to observe for two days. When we had talked to the centre they had agreed at firs but, later on we found out that due to a special guest coming in we could only observe for a day. This only allowed us to see what they were serving for that day. On Friday October the 19th the centre did not follow the menu at all and served different meals. If we were given the opportunity to come in another day we could see if that inconsistency with the menu was only that day or not. However due to the circumstance that was not able to happen. This limited us in able to gather information in regards to what meals were given and if they did in fact follow the menu. Another limitation faced was having access to only one menu that only had planned meals for that week so we were only able to compare one weeks’ worth of planned meals with the Canadian food guide as opposed to a month. If we had access to one moth meal plan it would make our data more reliable. Evaluation Criteria for Solutions As viewed in the finding analysis when doing observations in X child care Faizah and I noticed a few problem in regards to healthy eating and the meals served. The centre was not serving the meals as written on their menu for the week and they had no posters or brochures about how to promote healthy eating and there was no Canada’s food guide. There are four criteria to evaluate the solutions upon they are cost, time, food portions, accessibility and availability. The reason for choosing these four criteria are based on the issues that were found in X child care centre and how evaluating the solutions based on these can help implement the solutions in a more effective way. One problem identified in child care X was that they served different meals opposed to what was planned because they ran out of food and their budget did not allow any room for more costs. So evaluating our solution based on cost would help see if a solution is possible with accordance to their budget. Also the reasoning behind choosing accessibility nd availability was the question what foods are available in the centre if unhealthy options are available how can you change that to offer more healthy alternatives and would they be more accessible. The criteria of time is viewed as the centre having enough time to implement these changes and based on how they cook the meals. Do they have enough time to bake or fry some of the meals. Another issue found when analyzing the information gathered was the food portions. By viewing food portions one can see how providing to much food involves loss of inventory and waste of food. By evaluating solutions based on food potions the centre will get a sense of how much to buy. Which can also benefit the budget. With these problems I have come up with solutions. The solutions are: 1. Displaying attractive, current promotional materials (e. g. posters and displays, etc) related to healthy eating. 2. Participating in professional development opportunities and activities related to healthy eating, this may include Eat right Ontario, the Eat Smart! Program. and Nutrition Month activities.   3.  Revamp menu that can be followed through with and incorporate more healthy food options that can fit in you budget without going over . When viewing the possible solutions we examined the strengths and weakness of how this can affect the child care centre by using the four criteria. When examining the first solution proposed displaying attractive, current promotional materials (e. g. posters and displays ect) related to healthy eating we came across possible benefits in implementing it. By having posters and displays will allow parents to implement health eating habits at home and continue what the centre is doing. Also having posters show how committed the centre in promoting healthy and nutrition among children . A Passionate environment allows others to learn about various nutritional ideas. Also by having a bulletin board regarding healthy and nutrition the centre can gather resources from the community such as referrals for parents that want more information on healthy eating for children. However with these benefits we came across some implications that may affect the centre wanting to create posters/ bulletin boards. The negatives that come with this solution is the cost of getting all the materials for the bulletin board such as, poster, decoration and copies of flyers/brochures. Another negative would be the amount of time it will take to create posters, receive resources from the community and decorate the display. For the second solution Participating in professional development opportunities and activities related to healthy eating the benefits were increases the knowledge and awareness of Educators for them to implement healthy eating with in the classroom, accessible and available for all. One ECE goes and reports back to centre and staff about what they learned and implementing learned material at professional developmental programs to benefit the centre. Some issues that may arise with this solution are that that the professional developmental program cost varies and the child care may not have enough staff to cover if one goes to professional developmental program. The last solution proposed for this problem is to Revamp/create a new menu for the child care centre that can be followed through with incorporating more healthy food options that fit in the budget. The benefits for this solution are that it creates a healthier environment can be revised to fit budget, parents might adapt that healthy environment at home. The negatives surrounding this solution is that it is time consuming having to look at your budget and design a new menu that has to be implemented, cost May vary at the beginning of recreating the menu.

Monday, January 6, 2020

If I Could Get On A Time Machine And Give My 23 Year Old...

If I could get on a time machine and give my 23 year old self advice this is what I would say: 1. Don t work so hard in things that don t matter. In my early twenties, I worked too hard in things that did not do much more than add numbers in my bank account. I opened my business at ten in the morning and close it at ten at night every day, six days a week. The business was providing value to other people s life, I was selling a medical device. That being said, the job was repetitive and I mastered it after six months of doing it. Three years later, I was bored. I made a lot of money but I never enjoyed it. Looking back I can see how this corroded the relationships with my then girlfriend, family and friends. If I could go back, I would tell myself to learn how to work on my business and not in my business. Instead of toiling away I could of have focused in having better locations, minimizing risks, and choosing the right partners. To work in the big picture as opposed to the small one. It s crazy to realize that I could have made the same amount of money or maybe a little more by delegating, deferring or dropping the tasks that I was responsible for. I would have also made a greater effort to know myself. To figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. I recently got asked by my brother why in high school I used to take classes that were preparing me for a career as a doctor. I don t know Why was the purpose of spending 5 years building a retailShow MoreRelatedService Department Essay4435 Words   |  18 Pagescan cut back on confusion, can create goals for the work unit and help to Classify and reclassifying positions with in the current work unit. By designing and implementing effective classification by maintaining a written job description I would be able to give my work unit a guideline that they can follow on a day to day basis to ensure that we produce the best product possible. 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